I was set to write some kind of mission statement first, but I can save definitions for later. First, let me point you to the Grey's Anatomy blog. I know we're not friends yet, so you might well be wondering if I'm perpetrating on you. Maybe! Maybe!
Since I may not have built up enough cred with you to force you to search through that link, I'll just quote a little from Shonda Rhimes, creator and writer of the show. This is from her blog:
"So…change.Change is good. Change is everything.
Change is also what’s in the stomach of that guy who can’t stop eating weird crap.
Welcome to Season Four. SEASON FOUR. I can’t believe we made it this far. We’re proud to have made it this far. Let me tell you, Season Three was not easy for anybody and we’re glad to have it behind us. It’s all new dawn, new day over here and people are happy as freaking pie about it."
Unbelievable, right? She also says 'new dawn, new day' 6 more times in that same post. If you've never seen the show, let me summarize its traits:
Anyway, I note this stuff so as to say hey, that dog looks like its owner! Shonda Rhimes writes just like Grey's Anatomy sounds, which busts my previous theory that the show is like some kind of raw, atomic element which could only be obtained by distilling a narrative down to its most concentrated form. Like if you put Gilmore Girls in a vat and poured acid all over it. Call it Polonium Sux. Put some in your sushi.
- It features women who are beautiful but 'real' looking. Think: '40ish but beautiful', 'Asian but taller', 'A little fat', and 'Looks just like my best friend'
- These women work (and love!) in a hospital.
- In every episode there are no less than 14 epiphanies, all with wispy female pop singer/songwriter backing tunes and blog-like monologues. Think: 'Change. Change is good, change is everything'.
- There are voice overs that also feature these same style of monologues when no one could stuff any more words into the characters' mouths. Imagine a MASH episode where, for no reason whatsoever, a random character was suddenly given a voice over to repeat the premise of the show ('The insanity of it all! Sometimes the only way to get by it is to be a little irreverent'). Then the music swells, then a commercial break.
Is this the beginning of some awful revolution that we've yet to fully recognize? In the media it's all 'Manhunt 2' and 'Iran', but this might be bigger. I feel like it's 1979 and someone at a block party in Brooklyn is saying 'hey, what if we cut out all the parts of disco except for the break?'.
Shonda Rhimes is the DJ Kool Herc of our time. You heard it here first. And I hear she has beef with Nora Ephron, who needs bodyguards now.
Next Post: I make moer sense!
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